Culinary Creations

Cookbooks, more than any other type of book, are a co llaborative effort. From the in it ia l co n cep t , th ro u g h re c ip e d e ve lo pm e n t , plating and photography, it takes a ‘bunch of food ies’ to produce a f irst c lass book. At Maple Leaf Foods, we pride ourse lves on be ing Pass ionate Peop le, Pass ionate About Food. So when we sh ipped a sam p le of S chne id e rs , Can ad ian Farm Ra ised , Ra ised W ithou t A n t ib io t i c s Hot I t a l ia n S a u s a g e Meat to th e h om e s of ou r North Am e r ic a n Fo o d se rv ice team and asked them to ‘c rea te som e th ing ’, we had no idea what we ’d get back. THE RESULTS WERE ASTOUNDING AND INSPIRAT IONAL . Who knew that from our Hot Italian Sausage Chub we would see recipes such as: ‘Spicy Italian Sausage Dynamite Roll’, ‘Back-To-Sleep Breakfast Sandw ich ’ or ‘Skillet Ravioli Lasagna’. The mag ic behind th is in c r e d ib ly v e r s a t i le p ro du c t is th a t i t ’s fun to wo rk w ith , supports Canad ian farmers and contributes to food waste reduction due to its ready -to -innovate des ign . If yo u ’re like us, once yo u ’ve seen these recipe concepts, yo u ’ll be ask ing yourse lf what c an ’t be done w ith th is product? We inv ite you to exp lore the pages tha t fo llow and hope y o u ’ll be insp ired to cons ider the mer its of th is Canad ian Farm Raised, Raised W ithout An t ib io t ics product for your operation. Maple Leaf Foodserv ice Team